Alien Retribution - 20k Sectors / 25k Turns In the vast galaxy (known as the Delta Quadrant), alien races begin their sweep for conquest. Each race have one goal- total domination. Only the humans can prevent the spread of the alien threat, and keep order in the galaxy. There are 8 Alien Races. This game will require skill and team effort to capture Alien Homeworlds. They will not give in easily, and will attempt to recapture their world. Stock ships are disabled. You have special ships/planets to use. 8 Alien Race - Alien Traders, Ferrengi, Klingons, Romulans, Jem'Hedar, BORG, Vulcans, Cardassians (Special thanks to Thrawn and for this info) AlienRetribution - 20000 sectors - 25,000 turns -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Age of Game: 0 days Game banged on: Thu May 31 2007 Closed game? false Extern last ran on: Wed May 30 2007 Sectors: 20,000 Max users: 200 Max ships: 800 Max ports: 8000 Max planets: 4000 New player planets? false Turns per day: 25,000 Turn bank: 1 days Time limit per day: Unlim min Time penalty: 0 min/logon Starting credits:1,000,000cr Starting holds: 75 Starting figs: 2500 Death delay? true Radiation duration: 7 days NavHaz clear rate: 3% / day Times Class0/9 Blown: 0 Cloak failure rate: 3% Port regen: 200% / day Port regen max: 100% / visit Max product: 65,530 units Built port density: 95% One-way warp density: 3% Two-way warp density: 30% Max course length: 60 Fighter lock decay: 1440s Terra max colos:100,000,000 Terra regen rate: 65,535 colos/day Squatters: 5 ships/sec Corp size: 5 users/corp Planetary nego: 60% Planets per sector: 6 Photon duration: 20s Fedsafe Photons? false Multi photons? false Photon cost: 40,000cr Gold mode? true MBBS mode? false Steal from buy? true Steal delay? false Steal Factor: 100% Rob factor: 100% Busts clear every: 7 days Last bust clear: Thu May 31 2007 Bubbles: 25 Min size: 100 Max size: 796 Min links: 1 Max links: 4 Min tunnel depth: 0 Max tunnel depth: 0 Ship reregistry cost: 4500cr Cloak cost: 25,000cr Armid mine cost: 450cr Limpet mine cost: 10,000cr Beacon cost: 100cr Limpet removal cost: 5000cr Genesis torp cost: 45,000cr Atomic det cost: 15,000cr Density scanner cost: 2000cr Holo scanner cost: 6250cr Corbomite cost: 1000cr Planet scanner cost: 30,000cr Ether probe cost: 3000cr Mine disruptor cost: 6000cr Planet xport cost: 50,000cr Plnt xport upg cost: 25,000cr TWarp I drive cost: 12,500cr TWarp II drive cost: 50,000cr Twarp upgrade cost: 47,500cr Psychic probe cost: 10,000cr Internal aliens? false Internal Ferrengi? false --------------------------------------------------------------------------------