Blood - 3000 sectors - Unlim turns -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Tournament mode is ON. Days to enter: 0 days Max deaths: 7 Age of Game: 1133 days Game banged on: Fri Apr 23 2004 Closed game? false Extern last ran on: Thu Apr 22 2004 Sectors: 3000 Max users: 200 Max ships: 800 Max ports: 2400 Max planets: 600 New player planets? false Turns per day: Unlim Turn bank: 1 days Time limit per day: Unlim min Time penalty: 0 min/logon Starting credits: 300cr Starting holds: 20 Starting figs: 30 Death delay? false Radiation duration: 1 days NavHaz clear rate: 25% / day Times Class0/9 Blown: 0 Cloak failure rate: 3% Port regen: 125% / day Port regen max: 100% / visit Max product: 65,530 units Built port density: 100% One-way warp density: 3% Two-way warp density: 30% Max course length: 45 Fighter lock decay: 1440s Terra max colos:10,000,000 Terra regen rate: 750 colos/day Squatters: 5 ships/sec Corp size: 1 users/corp Planetary nego: 100% Planets per sector: 3 Photon duration: 3s Fedsafe Photons? false Multi photons? false Photon cost: 40,000cr Gold mode? true MBBS mode? false Steal from buy? true Steal delay? true Steal Factor: 50% Rob factor: 50% Busts clear every: 1 days Last bust clear: Fri Apr 23 2004 Ship reregistry cost: 5000cr Cloak cost: 25,000cr Armid mine cost: 1000cr Limpet mine cost: 10,000cr Beacon cost: 100cr Limpet removal cost: 5000cr Genesis torp cost: 20,000cr Atomic det cost: 15,000cr Density scanner cost: 2000cr Holo scanner cost: 25,000cr Corbomite cost: 1000cr Planet scanner cost: 30,000cr Ether probe cost: 3000cr Mine disruptor cost: 6000cr Planet xport cost: 50,000cr Plnt xport upg cost: 25,000cr TWarp I drive cost: 50,000cr TWarp II drive cost: 80,000cr Twarp upgrade cost: 40,000cr Psychic probe cost: 10,000cr Internal aliens? false Internal Ferrengi? false --------------------------------------------------------------------------------