
The Stardock

TradeWars Served HOT! Providing the most news, information and files since March 1997, The Stardock is the best Trade Wars website on the internet. EleqTrizi'T really has put together a top notch site, with anything and everything that you might be looking for.

The Cabal's Secret Hideout

The Cabal's Secret Hideout has a nice collection of Tips and Guides by various authors. From basic economics to advanced strategy, they have it all. I particularly enjoyed the advanced haggling lessons by Cherokee.

Helix's TW2002 Info Page

Helix has TWAs, Swath and TWX settings, tutorials, and downloads.

Cruncher's TradeWars Page

Home of the Trade Warriors Photo Album - The largest collection of Twarrior Pics on the Web! See who you're fighting.
Cruncher's Blog -

Master Blaster is back! The website is still under construction, but it's already looking good.

NavHaz Junction

NavHaz Junction has tutorials, forums and downloads.

TradeWars Bible

The TradeWars 2002 Bible is a good starting point for new tradewars players. It was originally written in 1993 by Justin Currt, and has been updated by several others to reflect changes in newer versions of the game.

Gypsy's Big Dummy's Guide to TradeWars

Gypsy's Big Dummy's Guide to TradeWars by Rick Mead is a great guide for experience type players.

Slice's War Manual

Slice's War Manual was written for TW2002 Version 2.x, but it's still a great resource for evil players.

Someguy's TW Guide

How To Play TradeWars And Stay Alive! is an extensive manual for TW2002 Version 2.x by Fred Wehner (aka Someguy).

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