
MicroBot Logs

MicroBot is the multi-threaded scripting engine that collects game statistics and settings from TradeWars Game servers and Bulletin Boards. MicroBot is written in C# and uses the .net CodeDom runtime compiler to script a telnet session. You can see what MicroBot has been up to lately in the logs below.

07/27/2024 10:15Error - Connection Failed - Server (Convolution)
07/27/2024 10:12Error - Connection Failed - Server (Slate Hell BBS)
07/27/2024 10:11Error - Connection Failed - Server (Daves TW2002 Game Server)
07/27/2024 10:08Error - Connection Failed - Server (Gone Rogue TWGS)
07/27/2024 10:05Error - Connection Failed - Server (Tableflip)
07/27/2024 09:37Error - Connection Failed - Server (Slinky's Place )
07/27/2024 09:37Error - Connection Failed - Server (Space wars)
07/27/2024 09:37Error - Connection Failed - Server (Shadow Realm)
07/27/2024 09:37Error - Connection Failed - Server (Hunters Network Games)
07/27/2024 09:36Error - Connection Failed - Server (Twisted Terminal BBS)
07/27/2024 09:36Error - Connection Failed - Server ((Since 1987) Paranor BBS)
07/27/2024 09:36Error - Connection Failed - Server (Heston's Galaxy)
07/27/2024 09:36Error - Connection Failed - Server (Adept TWGS)
07/27/2024 09:36Error - Connection Failed - Server (ConstructiveChaos BBS)
07/27/2024 09:36Error - Connection Failed - Server (JumpStart)
07/27/2024 09:36Error - Connection Failed - Server (ConstructiveChaos TWGS)
07/27/2024 09:36Error - Connection Failed - Server (Colorado Springs Central Net #2)
07/27/2024 09:36Error - Connection Failed - Server (Tradewars Live)
07/27/2024 09:36Error - Connection Failed - Server (Reflections BBS)
07/27/2024 09:35Error - DNS Lookup Failed - Server (Theviperbbs)
07/27/2024 09:13Error - Connection Refused - Server (Region 15 HQ)
07/27/2024 09:09Error - Connection Failed - Server (far and away 2002twg)
07/27/2024 09:04Error - Connection Failed - Server (Thunder Storm)
07/27/2024 09:03Error - Connection Refused - Server (The Sandbox)
07/27/2024 09:03Error - DNS Lookup Failed - Server (Central Ontario Remote BBS)
07/27/2024 09:03Error - DNS Lookup Failed - Server (Transworld Interactive)
07/27/2024 09:03Error - DNS Lookup Failed - Server (Section 31)
07/27/2024 09:03Error - DNS Lookup Failed - Server (Doge BBS)
07/27/2024 09:03Error - DNS Lookup Failed - Server (Section 31)
07/27/2024 09:03Error - DNS Lookup Failed - Server (SciNet FTN Tradewars Game Server)
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