Servers Legend
  • Telnet (Online)
  • Telnet (Down - 2 Days)
  • Telnet (Dead - 7 Days)
  • Website
  • GameOp eMail

TradeWars 2002 is an obsession for me, so I hope you like my website as much as I enjoy maintaining it,
but I need your help to keep the site online. Anythging you can donate is greatly appreciated.
WG/MBBS Servers (HVS)

Adept BBS  WorldGroupHVS 00  WorldGroup   
BrainToys HVS  WorldGroupHVS 00
Hated Reality  WorldGroupHVS   
The KEEP BBS  WorldGroup   
The Other Realm BBS  WorldGroup   
Twisted Terminal BBS  WorldGroup   
WABAC Machine  WorldgroupHVS 2.0300
© 2024 MicroBlaster TradeWars is a registered trademark of  Epic Interactive Strategy.